Yoga Nidra: “Yogic Sleep” Meditation

Newly remastered and extended – a guided meditation journey by Elizabeth Carman


Yoga Nidra "Yogic Sleep" Meditation by Elizabeth Carman, PhD (H)

Yoga Nidra:  “Yogic Sleep” is the deepest, simplest, and easiest of all relaxation techniques.

This guided version with Elizabeth Carman is based upon a process originating in ancient India designed to rejuvenate body, mind, and spirit.

Yoga Nidra means conscious deep sleep.  Unlike ordinary sleep where your body as well as your mind go into sleep, in Yoga Nidra, your body goes into the deepest sleep possible while the mind remains fully aware.

You have nothing to do but get comfortable and listen.  Relaxation is immediate and happens by itself. This is not self-hypnosis, auto-suggestion, or trying to feel peaceful.

Elizabeth Carman has taught meditation and Yoga Nidra in the US since 1971.


Buy a physical or digital copy of the album here –

on iTunes, or


Elizabeth M. Carman, Phd (H): Yoga Nidra: "Yogic Sleep"


$14.97 – physical CD shipped to your home



Elizabeth M. Carman, Phd (H): Yoga Nidra: "Yogic Sleep"


$4.99 – digital audio download



Yoga Nidra is on Amazon and iTunes too!

Find Yoga Nidra: Yogic Sleep on iTunes and on



Want to try out Yoga Nidra for free??  yoganidra

Now you can download a 10-minute sample track of the Yoga Nidra meditation (the body scan) by clicking the picture to the right –>  

This is a great introduction to guided meditation, but the greatest benefits will be found in purchasing the longer, digitally mastered version of Yoga Nidra: Yogic Sleep above!

Subscribe to the Cosmic Cradle Newsletter, and enjoy a full chapter of the book right now, for free.

© 2003-2014 by Elizabeth and Neil Carman