Contact the Authors
Elizabeth Carman is a pre- and perinatal psychology educator and has pursued a life-long interest in self-actualization and people’s full potential. Elizabeth received a BA in psychology and an MA in interdisciplinary. In 2002 Elizabeth received an honorary PhD for her prebirth research published in Cosmic Cradle: Souls Waiting in the Wings for Birth. Elizabeth is a native of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan on Lake Superior and lives in Austin, Texas with her husband, Neil.
Neil Carman has a life-long love for nature and metaphysics, receiving botany degrees from the University of Iowa and a PhD in phytochemistry from the University of Texas at Austin, and also teaching biology and the science of consciousness. Environmental interests inspired his more than thirty-year career in Texas, currently with the Sierra Club. Neil serves as a resource for citizens in industrial communities and has received awards for his service. He has spent over forty years investigating consciousness through meditation. He is a native of Iowa City, Iowa, and lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Carman, Ph.D. and Neil Carman, Ph.D. have participated in International conferences, symposiums, and presented lectures, workshops, or sermons at — International Association of Near Death Studies, International Institute of Integral Human Sciences, International Sivananda Yoga Ashram, Unity Church of Practical Christianity, First Church of Religious Science, Association of Research and Enlightenment, Ayurvedic Center for Well Being, and Mind Science Foundation on the Journey of the Soul.
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