
I recall the special process, or divine infusion.

I recall the special process, or divine infusion.

Lorenzo Caravella:

“I cannot pinpoint when my soul entered my mother’s womb; however, I recall the special process, or divine infusion, that took place as my soul infused with the “matter body” or “matter-being” [the fetus] in the womb. The connection was made in the initial spark of self-love. We cannot be born without self-love, without self-acceptance.

“The soul has a contract with the matter being, i.e., the union of egg and sperm, so that it can fulfill its life’s lessons in that particular body. The soul brings parallel life memory and karma on the soul level with it; the ‘matter-being’ [physical body] brings genetic memory and karma on the physical level with it.”

Lorenzo is the author of Mouth of God, Your Cosmic Contract.
Read the rest of Lorenzo’s memories in Cosmic Cradle, Spiritual Dimensions of Life before Birth by authors Elizabeth and Neil Carman, PhD

Pre-Birth Revelations Help Prepare Us for Parenthood

"I woke with a start on Sunday at exactly 4 am with a message from a booming voice:  'You will have more children.''"

Pre-birth revelations prepared Aimee for the births of her four children. Here she shares one of her mystical experiences:

“I’m sure you get stories all the time, but the story with our youngest is a good one and I love to share it.

“I was being trained in a hands-off energy work over the course of a weekend and woke with a start on Sunday at exactly 4 am with a message from a booming voice:

“You will have more children.”


The Tao of Conception

The Tao of Conception

In Taoist philosophy, ‘making love’ is a bonding between two people that reflects the bonding between human and Divine, and is undertaken in that light. Children are never a mistake.

Taoist conception guidelines are based on thousands of years of experience. Taoists took the responsibility of conception of a child very seriously based upon their belief that the family is the backbone of society. A strong family unit is the basis of a strong culture and society. No family is strong if the individuals are weak.

Taoism gives responsibility to parents to ensure that future generations are strong and healthy. Taoists recognize the importance of creating a balanced energy field in the prospective parents as a home for the child’s incoming spirit.

Conceiving a child requires thought and consideration.

Taoist guidelines for preparation of conception follow:


© 2003-2014 by Elizabeth and Neil Carman